A Crisis in Improvisation

Andreas Granström


Functional Reactive Game Programming

Since far long ago I have wanted to get a better understanding of Arrows, and Functional Reactive Programming. After many encounters with the subjects, I finally managed to spend enough time learning about these topics. I am happy to say that I’m no longer in a state of ignorance (if still far from a level I would call proficient).

This tutorial/journal summarizes my knowledge on these topics through the developing a game using the FRP framework (Netwire 5.0) and Haskell. I am far from an expert on the subject, so if you have suggestions for improvement, please let me know.

Before we go any further, let me mention that I was inspired by the following blog post by ocharles, and due to lack of ideas for a game I decided to create my own version of this.

Here you’ll find the full source code for what’s presented in this article.

A Helicopter Game

The main challenge for me when first creating the game was getting my hands around how Netwire actually worked and how the library is composed. The first challenge I tackled was generation of a ceiling and a floor, scrolling across the screen from right to left. The goal is for the ceiling and floor to give the impression that the player is within an infinitely scrolling cave.

Further, we want the player to move along at the same speed as the world/camera, and to always be either falling downwards or moving up along the y-axis.

We can isolate three main components:

  • A player position and trajectory,

  • an infinite list of rectangles for ceiling and floor,

  • a scrolling camera.

Introducing Netwire

Netwire is a domain specific language for functional reactive programming written in Haskell. It gives us the concept of Wires. Wires are quite powerful and they incorporate a lot of information, for the purpose of this tutorial we will use a simplified type synonym that we’ll call Wire'.

In the spirit of keeping this tutorial more hand-on, I will not dig in to the definition of Wire' too much. Let’s keep it to this: Wire is instance of Monad, Arrow and Applicative. Further, our simplified type Wire' applies some of Wires type arguments. Most interestingly this is the HasTime t s and Fractional t part. In Netwire, time can be assumed to be continuous, and time is also captured explicitly on the type level, hence we require HasTime and Fractional.

Our simple type Wire' a b models a continuous behavior that takes input of type a and outputs values of type b. Wires are either producing or inhibiting (blocking): this is our switching mechanism, as we’ll see when we introduce how Wires are composed.

Netwire (and its Wires) assumes a continuous time-model. For modeling discrete events, such as key-presses or sampling of Wires, we have the concept of an events. An Event a represents a value of type a at a discrete point in time.

Netwire provides quite a rich language for reasoning about Wires and Events, a few important functions are:

Included wires

for :: t -> Wire' a a

Creates a wire that behaves as the identity function (statically passing through its input) for t seconds, after which it inhibits

periodic :: t -> Wire' a (Event a)

With period t, sample the continuous input and generate discrete events with the input value at that time.

hold :: Wire' (Event a) a

As Events are discrete, and our time-model is continuous, if we want to observe the value of an Event, we need to remember it, which is exactly what hold does. For each Event a, hold will output the value of the last observed event.

Switching between wires

  • w0 --> w1 Creates a wire that behaves as w0 until w0 inhibits and then switches to behave as w1, freeing up w0 from memory.

  • w0 <|> w1 is left-biased selection (behaves as w0 if its producing, else w1).

Stitching wires together

  • Since Wires instantiates both Arrow and Applicative, we have access to all the nice functions associated with those type-classes as well.

  • Further, Wires can be composed using our normal category operators (.) and >>>.

A (very) simple example

To create a step-function that produces 0 for two seconds, and then switches to producing 1 forever,

As we seen above, for 2 will pass it’s input (pure 0) through for the specified amount of seconds, and then inhibit. Upon inhibition, --> will switch to the second argument, which is a constant wire outputting 1.

Creating the Game

For the purpose focusing on Netwire and FRP, we will assume that we have a function render to render our game using some graphical Assets. render only requires only requires

  • player position,

  • camera position,

  • rectangles for ceiling and floor,

in order to successfully render the game to the screen.

We can represent this using a tuple

Scrolling the World

Scrolling the world is obviously a function of time, so we can simply make a wire that grows faster than time by multiplying time by a coefficient >1.

Where scrollSpeed :: Num a => a is a parameter to our game.

Level generation

Now that we have the concept of scrolling, we can begin to generate the cave. We will create a wire that produces events with the appropriate x-position and height of the rectangles.

We know that we want to generate both x-coordinates and y-coordinates. Of which the x-coordinate will just be the scrolling offset by the screen width (we want to generate the level off-screen). The y-coordinate will be a random value within a given interval, depending on if we are doing the ceiling or the floor.

We use the two wires to create a general function for generating rectangle obstacles

We can now easily define our ceiling and floor

We’re now done with generating the cave! On to:

Player Positioning

As the position of the player depends on receiving input, we first need to model that.

Input Events

Netwire provides us with two very helpful wires

Don’t confuse Netwire events with system events that we get from SDL:

  • SDL.Event: Events from the operating-system, and

  • Event: discrete events in time as modeled by Netwire.

Writing a Wire that produces while we are pressing Space is now trivial:

the output type of spacePressed is (), as we are only interested if this wire is producing or inhibiting, not what it is producing.

Finally, positioning

To compute the player position we need the players velocity over time. this is expressed as either the integral of gravitational acceleration (falling), or a constant upward-pointing velocity-vector. Note the use of scrollSpeed for velocity in x-axis, so that the player will move along with the camera.

The player position is then the integral of the velocity

Putting it all together

We stitch our wires together using the Arrows syntax extension.

The code above will generate a Game for us that we can render, all that is missing is to add our game-over condition, which requires collision detection

Using this, we can add the game-over check to the game-wire.

and we’re done with our game.

Rendering the game and advancing time

Our code above simply implements the logic of our game. We still need a “main loop” that advances our wires and retrieves events from the system. You’ll find the full source in the github-repository, but here’s the essential part of our main :: IO () function.

As you can see, go is a recursive function that in each execution calculates a session delta that it in turn uses to /step/ the wires and get the current state of the system, stored in res.

End Result

Again, you’ll find the full source in my git-repo. Check the tutorial branch for the code that’s presented in this tutorial.

Here’s a screenshot of the finished game

Complete game screenshot
Complete game screenshot